Vidhan Soudha-Bangalore |
Bengaluru the capital City of the Karnataka,was initially designed by Kempe Gowda in the year 1537. During one of
his hunting bouts, which was his favourite past time, Kempe Gowda was surprised
to see a hare chase his dog and thus named the place as "gandu
bhoomi" (heroic place). Kempe Gowda I, who was in charge of Yelahanka,
built a mud fort in 1537 and with the help of King Achutaraya, built the little
towns of Balepet, Cottonpet and Chickpet, all inside the fort. Today, these
little areas serve as the major wholesale and commercial market places in the
city. Kempe Gowda's son erected the four watch towers to mark the boundaries of
Bangalore which are traceable even today and they stand almost in the heart of
the present city.Bangalore,